Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dress Code

Etika berpakaian di tempat awam.

Dlm tv sebentar tadi ternampak pulak Daphne Iking berpakaian dalam iklan mencari model apa tah. Dia jadi host bersama Naz, Daphne punya dressing, tersangat seksa menengoknya, bahu sebelah terdedah, skirt singkat hingga 12 inci drp lutut. TV sekarang ni dah tak ada dress ethiques ke? Dulu mycikgu ada seorang jiran, seorang american, non-muslim, tetapi apabila dia keluar rumah, dia bertudung, bagi menghormati komuniti jiran yang beragama islam. Kenapa dia seorang warga asing, dapat menghormati budaya setempat? Dalam satu siri tv Australia dulu pun apabila seorang agronomist dari middle east beragama islam datang ke tempat mereka, they take the effort to dress properly,cover their arms and hair. That's how they respected their guest. Tapi kita tengok sekarang baik di media atau di public places such as shopping complex, ramai non muslims especially the young chinese girls, dress like dunia ini aku yang punya. They suppose to know that the way they dress are a major disturbance to the public. Kenapa mereka ni, tak tau hormat orang langsung. Once, I notice that by the look on their face, the older chinese did not approve also they way these girls dress. Schools, should advise their girls how to dress in public. They should respect others than they will be respected.

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